Transfiguration of the Lord, Byzantine mosaic, Church of Daphni
near Athens, 11th c.
The coinage of the Eastern Roman - or
Byzantine, as came to be known much later - Empire spans a whole millenium,
is generally available, and offers many treats for the collector. The series
begins, by convention, with the lasting monetary reform of Anastasius I
(498 AD), and ends together with the state itself, with the Ottoman conquest
of the 15th century.
Anastasius I to Justin I (498 - 527)
Justinian I the Great (527 - 565)
Justin II to Tiberius II (565 - 582)
Maurice to Phokas (582 - 610)
Heraclius to Constantine IV (610 - 685)
Justinian II to Nikephoros II (685 - 969)
John I to Nikephoros III (969 - 1081)
Alexios I to Theodore II (1081 - 1258)
Michael VIII to Constantine XI (1258 - 1453)