TYPE Ancient Greece, Aigai (Macedon), 500-480 BC, silver trihemiobol(?), 0.98g
Obv: Goat kneeling right, head turned, annulets above and to right
Rev: Quadripartite incuse square
REFERENCE: SG 1293, P 1111, BMC 4.
GRADING: AVF, blemish (old hole filled?) over top hind legs, die crack over top of head, slight toning, scarce
ORDER INFO: G1422, $58
Elusive archaic Macedonian issue, from the original capital of the Macedonian kingdom. The practical difference between Archaic and Classical eras in coinage is perhaps nowhere more obvious than in the case of this northwesternmost Greek province. Following the great victories against the Persians in 479 BC - the divider between the two eras - civic "Greek style" issues like this one were superseded by regal Macedonian coinage, commencing with the reign of Alexander I. Typical pun with goat following city name.