TYPE Ancient Greece, Sardes (Lydia), ca. 2nd - 1st c. BC, AE21, 5.01g
Obv: Bare-head bust of bearded Herakles to left
Rev: Circular Greek inscription SARDIANON ("of Sardeians"), around Lydian queen Omphale walking to right, holding club over shoulder and lion skin draped over it.
GRADING: VF / AVF, cleaned somewhat porous brass, hairline crack, rare
ORDER INFO: G1652, $98
Not only a rare issue, but even more so a rare type and theme. Herakles is given in the classical "older man" version, bareheaded, with a beard, curly short hair and a thick neck. The figure of Omphale with the hero's accessories conveys the impression of an unnatural situation, with her appearing almost tired of the role-switch and its burden.